D r e a m B i g - - L i v e L a r g e

Thursday, May 29, 2008

PREFACE: Time for a Change

WOW! The last five months have just flown by. In January I did the unthinkable, which I had been thinking about for quite some time. I quit my Senior Vice President corporate job of the last 13 years - and John will be temporarily closing up his woodworking business - to TRAVEL THE WORLD! Yes, its true... for all you non-believers who thought I would never do it. The plan solidified last summer, no more saving feverishly for early retirement (which always seemed years out of reach) ... change of plans ... enjoy life now ... travel for a year and then see what happens ... jobs will always be there when we get back and besides ... who knows what will happen in the meantime. My extensive 5 month notice period at the office will be officially over TOMORROW, when I pack my last box, answer my last email and head out of my Century City office. It has already been a worldwind of emotions, from excitement and anticipation while devising the plot, to nervousness and relief in saying those words "I resign", to self-doubt about not "staying the course" (although that was short lived) and sadness about saying good-bye to my amazing colleagues who I have spent so much of the last 13 years of my life with, and back again to excitement and anticipation that I AM ACTUALLY DOING THIS! We are doing this. There is a saying " Life is what happens while you are planning for tomorrow." Well, no more planning, at least not for that off in the future "someday", rather the time is NOW and the planning is more about "where to" not "when". So the next month or so will be dealing with details ... where to go first, what to do where, how to get there ... what shots do we need, how do we get money ... you get the picture. We don't have an actual departure date yet. John - as the business owner - has to be a little more fluid in determining an end date. Pretty hard to give yourself a 3 week notice, but he'll finish his current jobs and then close up the shop. Looks like it will likely be later this summer. Until then, I will be planning away. Of course if he waits to long I will have a list of places to go that may take 2 years not 1!