D r e a m B i g - - L i v e L a r g e

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My First Rodeo, Nicaraguan Style

Fin de Semana (the weekend), at last! Our first week of classes are over. We have spent the last 5 days focused on learning spanish. No surfing, no partying, just classes and studying. Today we decide to take in some of the local entertainment and hit the Rodeo! To John's surprise, this is my very first rodeo ever. We make our way out of town towards the open field where the bull ring is set up. As we are walking down the street a handful of drunk guys start up a conversation with us, the typical, where are you from, how long have you been here, etc. They they tell us that they will be riding the bulls. This is getting interesting already. After some confusion about which price applied to which seats we buy some tickets for the basic bleacher seats -30 cordoba each - a blend of a little safety from both the bulls and the crowd sandwiched together in the free areas surrounding the ring, but still with plenty of local flavor - in fact notwithstanding all the tourists in the town there are very few gringos here.

Guys congregate inside the ring - yes, inside - drinking and cheering, or rather egging on the bulls. These are the adrenaline seats - more exciting to watch your friend get kicked from a bull up close and personal. And when the bull charges the crowd everyone scrambles up the fence. No rules, fences lined with people young and old. The event starts slow, the first bull is ok. The second comes out strong but then just stops and stares - rider still on. Nothing. He won't budge. The rider gets off and then the bull charges and up the fence goes the crowd.

There is lots of down time between bulls, providing lots of drinking time. Unfortunately the weather turns quickly and in no time a downpour starts. These kids put their umbrella up before the rain started - do they feel it in the air?

The crowd runs first for cover under the few vendor booths. But when it doesn't let up within a few minutes the entire crowd disperses. Show is over. All the bulls are put in the ring - staring at each other. The cowboys head home -the fun postponed until tomorrow - same bat channel, same bat time....

We make our way back to our casa where we enjoy a delicious dinner with Carlos, Jessica and some of their friends. Homemade chips and salsa - mi favorito, Que rico! And to top it off I am able to understand the majority of the conversation and even participate at times.