D r e a m B i g - - L i v e L a r g e

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

San Juan Bautista Day - Fiesta, Bailando, Palo Lucio y Mas Toros

The crowd took a short break from the rambunctious partying last night to get a few hours of zzzs before the family festivities get under way today.  John and I have taken the day off from Spanish School so we can partake in the fun which starts with traditional dancers making their way around the town.  Following them is a small band playing traditional music and behind them is a group carrying a the San Juan Bautista statute. 
On the other side of town a similar procession is underway, with another crowd forming carrying another statute of San Juan Bautista..  Each group takes a different route around town, gathering more and more of  the town's people as they make their way around the perimeter of the town. 
At just the right moment, the statutes meet a few blocks from the central parque and the crowd ignites.  Cheering and dancing - all making their way to the park
Palo Lucio -  this very tall pole is slathered with black grease and planted firmly in the center of the street near the parque.  As part of the traditional festivities a muscular group of slightly buzzed Nicaraguans will attempt to make their way up this pole - no safety net provided.  If they reach the flag at the top, they get a cash prize.  But as we look on as they begin the effort I get the impression that the prize is not really the driving force here - it is the challenge. 
For hours they go at it, climbing a little further each time and trying to wipe off the excess grease with a rag if they are lucky, if not, with their bodies.  We couldn't fathom that they would really make it all the way to the top.  They were only getting about 4 guys high when we left at about 2 p.m.  But we later found out that they made it!  We were disappointed we didn't stick around to see that! 

But after lunch at our casa it was off to the rodeo with Carlos & Jessica.  Rather than bleacher seats we made our way into a very packed area along one of the fences.  It was a little hard to see as the fences were lined with people, especially when the bulls made a run in our direction.  After another delicious meal with our familia we head to the beach with Jessica where there is another stage set up for a big band.  We were anticipating dancing all night, or at least watching others show us a thing or two - but mother nature had other plans and we made a bee line for home when the rain started again.