D r e a m B i g - - L i v e L a r g e

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Isle de Ometepe

It was one of the first sights we encountered when we entered Nicaragua a few weeks back,  two stunning volcanoes rising up out of Lago Nicaragua to form the island known as Isle de Ometepe.  After a week of surfing I developed some sort of ear infection .  I bought some gotas (ear drops) from the local pharmacy but have decided I probably should stay out of the ocean for a few days.  We are staying with Carlos and Jessica when we are in SJDS.  Its great to have a home base and it allows us to travel with just a small backpack, leaving our big backpacks behind in storage.  We decided to head out for a few days to explore Ometepe and hopefully hike one of the volcanoes.

Our new friends, Randy and Brenda are also heading to the Isle so we decide to catch a ferry over to the island together.   We had met Randy one day while getting our daily fix of caffeine at the Gato Negro Bookstore.  He is a a fellow Santa Monica resident now living in San Juan del Sur in a beautiful home called Casa del Soul which he built and operates as a guest house.  It’s a great place with a refreshing pool, tucked away a little bit out of town with a gorgeous view overlooking a  private beach.   Randy has someone drive us to San Jorge and we board the ferry for the hour ride  The winds are calm and it’s a smooth and easy journey.

From there we all head across the island.  John and I get off at Playa Santa Domingo located at the waist of the hourglass of the Isle between the two volcanoes and said to be the best beach on the island.  As far as beaches go its pretty drab. A flat ocean and a dark sand beach.  Considering how touristed the Isle is it is surprising that the facilities have remained fairly  basic.  The road here is essentially dirt with the occasional chicken crossing or cowboy ushering his herd along.

We take a place at the Hospedaje Buena Vista which has a row of rockers lining the rooms, as well as numerous hammocks and other areas  for lounging, which is a good thing as it is hot and there isn’t much to do other than kick back with a book - not a bad itinerary for a few days.

We found a little shack called Julia's serving good food down by the beach.  The wind was really blowing and we were surprised her grass walls didn't blow away. 

Here's the view from the comedor.