D r e a m B i g - - L i v e L a r g e

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Beach Breaks of the Nicoya Peninsula - Starting with Playa Grande

Some foam, electrical tape, and two bungee cords and we have a surf mobile. Boards safely on the roof and we are off to Playa Grande, which we hope will have some surf as Tamarindo is flatter than a pancake. You can see Playa Grande from the beach at Tamarindo, in fact if you are ambitious you can walk there although that can require a pretty big river crossing which can either be a swim or require a short boat ride from a local fisherman. The drive on the other hand takes you inland to met the main road and then back to the coast on another road - 30 minutes later we arrive. The waves were a little intimidating at first and I sat on shore just watching for awhile. Eventually I got up the nerve and paddled out to the shoulder of the break where there were plenty of waves for me to get thrashed about in, and occasionally catch a ride or two too! One really nice perk about surfing in CR, no wetsuits! The water is so warm you completely lose track of how long you have been out there.

Tacos and beer at Playa Grande.