D r e a m B i g - - L i v e L a r g e

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Classic Costa Rica

From a light mist to a heavy downpour, rainy season has arrived. Its actually a welcome sight in the afternoons as it brings relief from the heat. Of course, since the majority of the roads in Tamarindo and the other surf areas are dirt, that means it also brings mud, ruts, and wholes in the road.

Endangered sea turtles nest on several of the Pacific Coast beaches. Playa Grande is one of the most important nesting sites in the world for the baulas (leatherback turtle that can weigh 450kg!) who lay their eggs on the famous surf beach from October to March each year. Had we timed it better we could have spent an evening trying to keep our eyes peeled on the empty beach awaiting the turtles who come from the sea at night to lay their eggs. Oh well, maybe next year. Signs like these are in front of several of the beaches in hopes that the turtles will be protected.

Sharing the road. This is a common site - cowboys, herds, surfers heading to the beach.

This is a typical "soda" located on the sidee of the road. Essentially it is someone's house with a few tables put out on the patio. The menu has a couple of items, casada de rez, or casada de pollo. Casada is the typical meal - rice, beans, a little cabbage salad or vegetable, fried plantains and your choice of meat. Cheap, filing and tasty!