D r e a m B i g - - L i v e L a r g e

Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Diversion North - Santa Marta

The heat is just too much to endure! I wake up sweating and there are 2 fans blowing right on me! But its like being under a blowdryer set on high. We really love Cartagena, the old buildings, narrow streets, little cafes, our great little hotel and the friendly staff - but after a week of stifling heat its time to move on. John has caught some kind of bug - swine flu maybe (ha ha ha) so we decide to pay for the direct shuttle bus to beachside resort town of Santa Marta rather than make our way with public buses which would require a couple of changes. It looks so close on the map but its about 4 hours. Of course the hotel we want - this new hostal called Las Brisas Loco which is in an old building and has a small pool - is full so we head out to find another. I am really hoping on AC since I need a little relief and I think it will help John sleep better and kick this cold. We settle on Sun City - not really very sunny but it will do. It has AC but it also has this odd odor. I'm hoping with the air cranked the smell will dissipate. Traveling has really taken a toll on John so while he rests I head out to check out the town and beach. The town is undergoing some major renovations. It looks like they are trying to put in cobblestone walk streets.

Apparently Santa Marta is a big weekend beach town for local Colombians. The beach however is not much to write home about. In fact its a little dreary as it faces the shipping yard. But the town squares are gorgeous and there is obviously something going on tonight as they are setting up a stage. I get John to rally for some dinner but that's about it. We decide to call it an early night and head to the fishing village of Taganga in the morning.