D r e a m B i g - - L i v e L a r g e

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ayuthaya - Unesco World Heritage Site

A short two hour train ride from Bangkok brings you to the Unesco World Heritage site of Ayuthaya the prior Thai capital which is encircled by rivers. We settled into a room at the Bann Kun Pra - a beautiful teak house on the riverfront with quaint rooms decorated with antiques, a large open balcony overlooking the river, friendly staff and an excellent riverside cafĂ©. I loved this place! It was exactly what I had hoped to stay in while in Thailand and it was only 600 baht a night (about 17 dollars a night). 

Our first night in town we were aimlessly wandering the streets and we happened upon an amazing, let me repeat, AMAZING, night market. Unlike the Bangkok food markets we had seen, this market was not really frequented by tourists, in fact we could have counted on one hand how many other farangs (tourists) we saw there. We strolled through the entire length of the market, keeping an eye out for what we might want to try. Then we made our way back through the ever-growing crowd and started to order.

Communication was difficult here, as no one spoke English, but with some pointing and head nods, or shaking to imply “no” for those strange meats, I was able to order these delicious fresh spring rolls - the best I have had so far in Thailand. 

We ordered some pad thai, served in a banana leaf wrapped in newspaper, some potstickers and other dim sum type samplers along with some mango and sticky rice for dessert for John and found a seat at a small table behind the food stalls. What a find! Today has been a lucky day, the first hotel we look out far exceeds our expectations and then we find this unique and tasty market. I’m enjoying the move to Ayuthaya already.