D r e a m B i g - - L i v e L a r g e

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Moving Up - Yak Korka and Beyond

Unfortunately the rest day had left John with an upset stomach and the hike up to Yak Korka, although short, was draining. We had fantastic views of Annapurna II, III, IV, Ganapurna, Glacier Dome and more. We are now in what they refer to as high country, over 4000 meters, and there are few villages at this point. Yak Korka actually refers to a yak herder village, considerable smaller than your typical village. Several of the trekkers we met yesterday are staying at the same teahouse, a couple from Germany, a couple from Oregon, a gentleman from England and another guy from Ohio. Luckily John gets a good night rest and although we get a late start the next day, we keep moving. Next stop - high camp - Throng Pedi at 4540 meters. This is a short day and the terrain is not that bad except for a few small ice patches that are a bit difficult to cross due to their location on the slopping hillside. The sun is out and the views … again, spectacular and simply unable to be caught on film with a point and shoot camera. Although several of our trekker friends are staying nearby, everyone calls it an early night as not only is it very cold and we are anxious for the warmth of our sleeping bags, but we all have to get up at 4 a.m. tomorrow to start our trek to the pass.   Sweet dreams.