D r e a m B i g - - L i v e L a r g e

Friday, December 5, 2008

Kathmandu - 9 Years Revisted

November 1999 was the last time we were in Thamel, Kathmandu - Nepal.  We were there to trek in the Everest Region of the Himalayas  Interestingly, we loved Thamel, even with its overwhelming traffic, smog, pollution, congestion, and wall-to-wall tourist shops. It really doesn't seem to have changed too much, and again, it seems oddly reassuring. Horns beeping constantly, speeding motorcycles weaving in the traffic of taxis and rickshaws. People - everywhere, roaming the street, trying to sell you a souvenir or get you to go with their company on a trek, hectic is an understatement for Thamel. We are staying at the Kathmandu Guest House, which is a pleasant surprise. If I recall correctly, it is a historic temple that has been a hotel for quite some time. For $25. a night we have a small but adequate room and the outdoor cafe/restaurant is delicious. Finally a bargain! We were also able to reconnect with the same trekking company that we used 9 years ago for our Everest Basecamp Trek - Eco Trek. The same owner too! We have set up a 2 week trek to the Annapurna Circuit leaving tomorrow morning. The trek will go over a pass at 5400 meters and is expected to be -15 Celsius - in other words COLD! We hope the exhaustion of walking all day in the freezing cold and at altitude will be strangely relaxing. We'll let you know!